"At a ruthless PR firm, an ambitious publicist, Ava Rice, takes on a notorious energy company at the promise of a promotion. She must decide whether to sacrifice her moral compass and surrender her health in favor of financial success."
Directed by Omri Dayan
Sound Mixed by Michael Hurst
"James, a mid-20s modern day man, has battled with anxiety and depression for an unknown amount of time. It's unclear what caused is and the solution is even more ambiguous."
Directed by Barrett Loades
Sound Recording, ADR, Sound Design and Composed by Michael Hurst
"Cass and Ezra reflect on their relationship, disrupted by Cass's tendency to write about what's happening around her, and Ezra's unwillingness to simply be a character in her scripts"
Directed by Lada Kopytova
Sound Mixer by Michael Hurst
"Two friends, Mia and Teo, meet up one evening and over a glass of wine, they debate the philosophy of love into its very depths. Being polar opposites, Mia argues over the inevitable end and pain that comes with the start of every relationship while Teo is more concerned with the loss of self and the change that occurs in someone over a relationship. By trying to preserve a memory that will forever exist in their minds, they choose to play pretend for the evening and live out the perfect relationship. The film offers a quick glimpse into an alternate universe where after years spent together, Mia moves out of the apartment where Teo and her lived together. A short peek into what could have been and also asking - would it have even been worth it in the end? However, once the hour has passed, they have to return to reality."
Directed by Sophie Dominique Parea
Composer Michael Hurst
"A British South Asian woman named Deep seeks to change her life by taking up fencing. Kate, a talented fencer, is reluctant to welcome Deep into the club. Tom, however develops an unlikely friendship with Deep, concealing a personal secret"
Directed by Parvinder Shergill
Starring Stephen Fry and Matthew Lewis
Sound Recording by Michael Hurst
"Irving's misconception of masculinity leads to the death of his family through negligence. He now finds himself haunted by his family as he tries to cope and move forward from the grief"
Sound Recording and Mixing by Michael Hurst
"The Documentary follows DOCTOR JAY as he navigated making his debut album through a series of interviews, fly-on-the-wall observation, and behind-the-scenes studio footage."
Filmed and edited by Michael Hurst